Religion In Public Schools

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Religion In Public Schools

Religion, faith, and belief are three things that makes the word so unique; yet are meant to express three very different ideas. Religion is the belief in a person that you can’t physically see, but the creator of all things. Faith is belief without being able to see what’s ahead basically like sitting in a chair, not looking back to see if the chair is still there while you’re about to sit down. Belief is trust and faith. Acceptance is the key to the world of faith and belief. To have faith; first you must trust God and believe, open your heart and allow him to do the work. Everyone has faith and belief, but not everyone truly trust God with their whole heart…. So that’s really not faith. Religion is more
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Indeed, the classroom has become one of the most important battlegrounds in the broader conflict over religion’s role in public life.” The pew forum on religion and public life. Religion in the public schools. Paragraph1. May 2007. ( ). Students should be allowed to talk to their peers about religious topics just as they do with political topics, they both are too big topics that should never be singled out or overlooked. We have the right to talk about anything that we would like to discuss because of the first Amendment “freedom of …show more content…
Religious clubs should have the same opportunities as all the other clubs in school, if one club has something the rest of the clubs should have the same opportunities, no favoritism!! “Equal Access Act.” American United For Separation Of Church and State input on it is “Student religious clubs in secondary schools must be permitted to meet and to have equal access to campus media to announce their meetings, if a school receives federal funds and permits any student non-curricular club to meet during non-instructional time. This is the command of the Equal Access Act. A non-curricular club is any club not related directly to a subject taught or soon-to-be taught in the school. Although schools have the right to ban all non-curriculum clubs, they may not dodge the law's requirement by the expedient of declaring all clubs curriculum-related. On the other hand, teachers may not actively participate in club activities and "non-school persons" may not control or regularly attend club meeting.” American Civil Liberties Union and the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation. Publication. Paragraph 13. March 23, 2017. ( Teenagers are old enough to decide what clubs they would like to participate in and if the “religion club” just so happen to be the one they would like to engage in why should

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