Buck V. Bell Case Study

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Noted in supreme court cases, Relf v. Weinberger and Buck v. Bell, re-examining compulsory sterilization is pivotal in dismantling discrimination against women. Particularly affecting women of color, the multi-form occurrence is slowly moving into public consciousness along with the effects of settler colonialism. Depopulating foreign land through strategic movements, settler colonialists have been and continue to be clever as far as their tactics to establish political systems. Purposed to disadvantage the colonized and to benefit the colonizers, these systems have been founded upon the misery of Aboriginal peoples. Correspondingly, colonialism intricacies combined with eugenic principles continue to be used to legitimize colonial say in Indigenous women’s sexual and reproductive matters, …show more content…
However, the extent to which such inhuman act affects Indigenous communities remains quite ambiguous. In fact, the majority of these cases go unreported perhaps because of the little to no legal attention the issue gets or because of how embedded eugenic beliefs are in contemporary society. To further explain, racialization along with the stigma that comes with its boundaries partially explains the targeting of groups considered “inferior” to the “predominant” race of White Americans. Currently, reproductive prevention is disguised as a method of controlling population growth, but it is not coincidental that the populations targeted are mostly Native populations. Via colonial efforts the elimination of Aboriginal communities continues to be part of United States’ private agenda. Using the term “savage” to present Natives as carriers of undesirable traits, Unites States continues to encouraged compulsory sterilization of the “unfit.” As the current-day societal problem that it is, forced sterilization can take subtle as well as blatant

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