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The Ghosts of Vasu Master:
This novel of Githa Hariharan is extremely different from her first novel The Thousand Faces of Night. All the novels of Githa Hariharan comprises of plural form such as ‘faces’, ‘ghosts’, ‘times’, ‘dreams’ and ‘histories’. This is a remarkable feature of Githa Hariharan.
Importance of relationship:
In Indian culture relationship plays a significant role. Relationship is a link or bondage between individuals. This bondage is a base for a healthy society. It may be between father – son, mother – daughter, sisters, teacher – student, etc. Since Githa Hariharan is an Indian women novelist,she deals with the theme of relationship between a teacher and student. She reveals the importance of relationship between …show more content…
Truth and non – violence are as old as the hills”- Gandhi. (GVM ix)
Vasu master’s life:
Teaching is an active activity. Similarly Vasu Master was an active teacher during his profession. Vasu master was an English teacher in P.G. Boys School in a small town Elipetti. The novel begins with the retirement of Vasu. The significant element in this novel is ending of Vasu’s profession is the beginning of the novel. It paves the way for the beginning of Vasu’s new life, that is, life after retirement. Even the retirement Vasu was not satisfied in his profession. Even though he teaches the same class for forty plus years he was not able to read the mentality of the students. Later he realizes that he has wasted his life for forty years. The retirement life paves him a way to discover and understand himself and his life. Hariharan portrays this novel from the present to the past and from the past to the