Register Nurse

Decent Essays
Nursing is my field of study my current occupation as a unit technician at the hospital is the help I'm receiving to work towards my future in becoming a Register Nurse. Register nurses need all the support they can receive, because the percentage of death and stress on a nurse is high. There is many support from the Texas House Representative Donna Howard provides grants to prevent Violence in the Health Care Workplace and Set Up a Confidential System for tracking rape kits. In the health care field with tend to work with different types of people with different personality from psych to jail inmates. The common harassment workers can receive from patients is violence in the workplace which is hazard for nurses and other health care workers. It poses a threat to employees which need to be appreciated and …show more content…
I would love to join this group when I become a Register nurse, because it comes with many benefits. It includes the opportunity to communicate with other nurses. Another benefit is receiving a discount on your auto insurance saving up to 4% off of Nationwide's great rate, and it provides other insurance members can take advantage off. In the future I want to be a supporter of this political association to be active member. I will choose to unite with other professional organizations that support nursing in many meaningful ways. This group is influential to an everyday practice, and the main support for recently graduated students with a free trial. All the organizations offered to nurses is such a great support to keep on respecting and valuing for such a hard working

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