There were four factory that led to India's decline. One, there was an extensive system of controls over private investment and production. Two, the public sector was steadily expended and even granted monopoly in many activities that went beyond the conventional areas, like utilities. Third, Obsessive self-sufficiency defined trade policy and India's restrained direct foreign investment. When liberal reforms were implemented in the early 1980's you saw a steady growth in china and India. South Korea, which instituted "liberal reforms, “so steady growth. Unlike North Korea with autarkic and heavily anti-market development strategy could deliver missiles and nuclear weapons, but not sustained overall development. In early decade starting from 1980 India saw increase in growth rate. In figure one in the article you can see the increase in growth after 1980. Not only growth rate increased but also gross private investment and gross investment increase. With all the third world country like North Korea, Cuba, Haiti, and many more, they should follow reforms. Countries that have already adopted economic reforms include Chile, Ghana, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Mexico, Morocco and
There were four factory that led to India's decline. One, there was an extensive system of controls over private investment and production. Two, the public sector was steadily expended and even granted monopoly in many activities that went beyond the conventional areas, like utilities. Third, Obsessive self-sufficiency defined trade policy and India's restrained direct foreign investment. When liberal reforms were implemented in the early 1980's you saw a steady growth in china and India. South Korea, which instituted "liberal reforms, “so steady growth. Unlike North Korea with autarkic and heavily anti-market development strategy could deliver missiles and nuclear weapons, but not sustained overall development. In early decade starting from 1980 India saw increase in growth rate. In figure one in the article you can see the increase in growth after 1980. Not only growth rate increased but also gross private investment and gross investment increase. With all the third world country like North Korea, Cuba, Haiti, and many more, they should follow reforms. Countries that have already adopted economic reforms include Chile, Ghana, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Mexico, Morocco and