One trait in human nature that I found to be true, even in myself, is …show more content…
I want to be able to redirect my mind to focus on positive feelings, so I may continue with my day stress-free and feeling as though I can take on the world. I don’t think I could thoroughly help anyone if I wasn’t able to get myself on the right track first.
I believe my current self-care practices can be improved upon. I try to keep myself happy by indulging in my favorite activities, but too much of them can also hold me back. I do love unhealthy food and I love to relax, but an excess amount of both can take a toll on my health. Therefore, I need to find a balance between my sweet indulgences and how to properly take care of myself.
I am satisfied with the progress that I have made, However. I’ve spent the majority of my life hating myself and living in such darkness that feeling the light for the first time really changed how I want to live. I want to be joyous and I want to live with as little stress as I can. I’m thankful and proud of my progress thus far, but I still need a lot of work before I can say I’m where I want to be psychically and mentally. Currently, I’m doing a pretty good job of keeping myself on the right track. But eating one too many cookies while watching my favorite TV program won’t make my body as happy as I need it to …show more content…
It has challenged me to stay focused on the tasks I need to complete. To keep me motivated each day and to make myself better by trying to find the good in every situation. I do have some trouble with directing my focus on what needs to be done in the moment, and that is one aspect I really need to change. I want to be able to get the job done without taking so many detours. These patients are going to need me to help guide them through their illness, so my concentration needs to be with their