Usually, When we say “World Is Flat” does not sounds to be literal, hence, we assume it as a false statement, evermore, a long time ago, scientist have had already discovered that the World is round and not flat. However, at the moment, I am reflecting on a video posted at “” by famous American Economist “Thomas Friedman” titled as “ World is Flat”.
Friedman actually is describing about globalization, and was relaying massage, how world is changing its shape, and how trade and technology has interconnected all of us together. Also, explains role technology’s enhancement in globalization, and how people are getting freed from barriers of border and walls beside them are falling and how new …show more content…
Where as, globalization version 1.0, was between 1492-1800A.D., when “Columbus” discovered America while searching India and version 1.0 made the world size from big to medium. Also, Globalization version 2.0, was consider to be in between 1800 – 2000 A.D., when size of the world further decreased to small from medium, and mentioned about the industrial revolutions, where the driving forces where, big multinational companies and individuals working for those companies. Finally, where as, Globalization version 3.0 started on 2000 AD, which actually began with the growth in technology, where ease of computers and high speed internet, and connectivity through optical fibers, acted as a driving force along with the individuals themselves, who are participating and collaborating globally, and version 3.0, further decreased the size of the world to be tiny in …show more content…
Also, even cannot imagine even a single day without gadgets and technologies, that, I, use daily, such as mobile Phone, T.V., internet and all sort of communication device and media. And after watching this video, I realize that, these new technologies being introduced are just not another facility our daily lives, but also is changing the shape of world and making the world Flat. Hence, making the world not just small. This platform is making us free from all the borders and divisions are made on creativity and skills rather than race and religion. Also, the nations who can keep up, in this new platform, can only get competent and get their economy strong and get