Seven college students took the time to address common racial issues that have transpired in their college communities. Each student has a different story to tell and different examples of racial incidents that they have encountered. These students have made it known to the public that there is an unjust divide amongst both races. Through out the article each student expresses how he or she have dealt or felt when having to deal with racial slurs or comments that are demeaning and hurtful. Students go on to explain the different stances they have taken against racism on their campus. They also spoke about the reactions that they have received from the opposite race. There was even one student that explained that he hasn’t experienced …show more content…
If we continue to live in these depressing life styles we will only fall back in to a cycle that will never be broken. Racism is an issue that should be confronted head on. I do not agree with the responses that some of these students received in the article, in retaliation to them taking a stand in their college to make things right for everyone. People were called the “n” word and even pushed or shoved by their own security on their campus, the very same security who is being paid to keep ALL students safe, not just the white …show more content…
Not everyone who has had to deal with racism is open to speaking about the things that have been done to them. I also, believe that this is an interesting topic in itself because of the recent racism that Hilbert College has experienced here recently. The president of our school acted in the same manner as the president at the University of Missouri. Both presidents handle the situations by sweeping the rug. Both administrative officers simply acted as if racial issues do not exist on either campus. I feel as if when situations such as race occur some white people, not all, are quick to act as if it isn’t happening or say “oh well” its not us being ridiculed on a daily.
Unanswered Questions I would like to know how long do we have to wait before we take a stand as one and stop the racism? Do we have to wait for there to be more senseless crimes or racial police murders before the world takes racism seriously? I would also, like to know how far this article makes it, and if it is helping the cause in anyway.
Future Implications The future outcome of this implication can come out in two ways. One-way being that society grows up and realizes that we are all EQUAL, and we are all ONE people. The other way being that if we don’t come together as one we will continue this horrible cycle of racism. No one will get along