Firstly, the unhappy, truth seeking and curious Jeffrey Lang was given a Quran by his Muslim friend and he noted that the book “attacks, debates, criticises, shames and challenges” as well as “the author seems to know him better than he knew Him” (Lang,1994, p.9). After he reverted to Islam, he continuously read it and describes the experience as “wonderfully disturbing experience” (Lang,1994, p.41) since the Quran seems to read us and not the opposite way. I realise that I have similar experience as …show more content…
However, after learning about Islam in Australia I started to interact and able to relate the Quran to myself. In addition, through Quranic classes I also learnt that Quran is a comprehensive and complete where it is a good source to resolve many problems for example, the issue of choosing a leader. Clearly, Quran is a divine book that understands and guides us to the right path and it is important for Muslims to grasp its meaning as well as frequently refer to it to solve modern day