It is utilized as a part of rehabilitation of injury and warm-up and cool-down types of training. It helps relax, lengthen and realign muscle fibres after training and performance, creating easier movement for later.
Generally, a static stretch is held for about 30 seconds. For warmup and cooldown purposes, 10-15 seconds is still effective.
Examples and types of static stretches:
· Hamstrings: lift and straighten one side, e.g) right leg; above the hips and press the heel towards the top. Switch sides.
· Quadriceps: lay down on one side, e.g) right; pull the left heel into the left glute and hold. Repeat with the right leg.
· Chest: stand up straight, place joint fingers behind your back and pull your arms downwards whilst your chin is facing the ceiling/sky.
· Abdominals: sit down, spread your feet in front and reach for them.
Hydration and fuel recovery is the replacement of energy and fluid through the consumption of carbohydrates, protein and water after performance at competitions or at training. Dehydration is avoided at any circumstance therefore the maintenance of fluid levels is monitored by the athlete and their coach before, during and after their exercise. Athletes weigh themselves before and after their exercise or performance at competitions, games and training sessions where it indicates fluid loss through the weight difference. In addition, fluid has been lost during …show more content…
They represent a safe and legal way in conducting higher and possibly better performance, as well as faster recovery after a game, training session and competition.
Neural Strategies:
Neural strategies aim to heal and relax the muscles of an athlete which have been damaged or either worn out due to vigorous and continuous exercise and performance. Many athletes require neural strategies such as hydrotherapy and different forms of massages due to collision sports such as rugby league. They focus on the nervous system and tension relief. Certain sports and exercises affect the central nervous system (CNS) therefore causing soreness, pain and fatigue in the body. Therefore, these methods aim to aid with recovery.
Hydrotherapy involves water immersions to relieve, relax the muscles and reduce pain. In warm waters, hydrotherapy helps relieve the nervous system and the muscles in which they control. The recommended temperature for hot water immersion is generally around 100 degrees celsius.
In terms of recovery strategies, hydrotherapy aids fast recovery for the athlete to recommence with their previous exercise, training sessions, competitions and games.
Types of hydrotherapy:
· Steam