First of all, the foreign invasions was one of the causes of the fall of Rome. Document C shows that invaders came into Rome from all sorts of places. Because the soldiers were weak and lazy, they could not prevent invaders from coming into Roman territory. According to the Brain Pop, it shows how the soldiers left their posts to fight one another, which made it easy for invaders to get in Roman territory. The Huns were another reason that the Romans fell. Document D states, “these swift-moving and ungovernable people make their destructive way amid the pillage and slaughter of those who live around them.” This shows that since the Huns invaded Rome, they must have weakened Rome by getting into Roman territory, and killing a lot of people. …show more content…
Many of the emperors of Rome were assassinated or killed by people that wanted to take power and become emperor. According to document A, it shows that twelve of the Roman emperors were assassinated by another person. This can make Romans feel unsafe with all of the assassinations, especially since emperors have a lot of protection and were still assassinated. Many of the emperors made bad decisions and changed Rome which had weakened their power. According to the background essay, it states, “Upper-class Romans were losing their edge.” This shows that the emperors were no longer making good decisions and were making Rome lose power. Also in the background essay, it states, “Having existed for centuries as a republic, Rome became more like a dictatorship.” This shows that the emperors were more focusing on gaining power, rather than thinking about actions that would benefit