Anemia is a case in which the amount of oxygen carried by the blood is less than the normal average due to lower amount or unhealthy red blood corpuscels or lack in the count of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein which is found inside the RBC that transport oxygen and contains iron.
There are hundresds of types of anemia which can be mainly devided into 3 groups:
1- Anemia which is caused due to blood loss.
2- Anemia which is due to decreased or faulted RBC’s production.
3- Anemia which is due to increased RBC’s breakdown.
Symptoms of anemia vary according to the type of anemia. Generally, all types of anemia have some common symptoms like fatigue -which occurs because organs aren’t getting what they need to function properly- , lethargy, …show more content…
2- Anemia due to decreased or faulted RBC’s production:
This type of anemia makes the body produce few amount RBC’s or RBC’s may not work and funtion correctly. It is mainly due to iron deficiency, lack of vitamin B12, low amount of folic acid, red bone marrow disease and sickle cell anemia.
- When iron ion level decreases in the body, it causes what is known as iron-deficiency anemia. Iron is essential to build the hemoglobin which is the part of an RBC responsible for carrying oxygen. It may occur due to iron-poor diet, pregnanat women and breastfeeding, frequent blood donating and more other …show more content…
Their amount may be lower than average due to some bad diets and absence of intrinsic factor which is essential for vitamin B12 absorption.
- Sickle cell anemia causes the RBC’s to have a crescent shape. In this case the RBC break down rapidly before enough oxygen and nutrients reach vital organs. This form of the RBC can cause pain because it may stuck in tiny blood vessels.
3- Anemia due to increased RBC’s breakdown:
In some cases, RBC’s may not have the ability to stand the routine stress of the circulatory system and tend to be fragile, so they may rupture even before maturity causing hemolytic anemia. May be caused due to some stressors like drugs, infections, spider or snake venom and even some food. Might also be from an advanced disease of liver or kidney.
As mentioned before, anemia treatment depends on the type of anemia and what caused it and even severity of the case. The aim of treating anemia is to increase the amount of O2 your blood carry.
Type of Anemia