Songs from when he was a teenager such as Lupe Fiasco’s “Dumb it Down” led him to really take a good luck at how people who share aspects of his identity, namely black people, can be looked down upon in aspects of society even as important as music. He realized after taking the time to understand the song that he could vent his own frustrations just like Lupe Fiasco does, in an eloquent and clever manner. It was after realizing this that his taste in rap music began to broaden to not only music that made him move, but also music that made him think. Growing up, many evils of society were shrouded from him to protect his innocence but, through his exposure to rap music, he gained a means of understanding the suffering many both like him and extremely different, go through. And later in his life he too began to rap, not only to speak of pain he has seen or gone through but also to express himself in much greater detail than he could or prefers to without the music. When asked about his identity Nati had a lot to say, being …show more content…
From the way he dresses, people he hangs out with, and his opinion on many social issues, rap and many would say hip-hop, has helped formed his identity. The way he dresses tends to mirror those in the rap industry that he looks up to. The people he hangs out with, for the most part, share a similar taste in music with him. And issues such as racism, violence, and oppression he understands more, through critically analyzing songs those he looks up to writes and his own experiences. For him, rap music can not only inform one of important issues but also inspire people to take action and face those issue head