Rapid Runway Rr History

Improved Essays

History of Light Airfield Repair Package and how it is used in the Military
Arnold O. Gerodias
Engineer Senior Leaders Course
22 February 2016

The United States Army has assets that contribute greatly to the mission of Airfield Seizure. A method used for Airfield Seizure is Forcible-Entry. One of Forcible-Entry task is Rapid Runway Repair by using Light Airfield Repair Package (LARP). In order to conduct airfield repair and use LARP efficiently, the Army will call on Airborne and Air Assault engineer units for their capabilities, during forcible entry operations by inserting a heavy drop from the aircraft or external
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The RRR kit includes a Fiberglass Reinforced with Polyethylene (FRP), an improved type of matting for rapid runway repair. Additionally, a Forward Aerial Supply (FAS) box is included, which supplies personnel with hand held power tools and airfield damage repair (ADR) kits. The use of personnel and heavy equipment varies on the type of airfield damage assessed by the LARP mission Noncommissioned Officer in Charge (NCOIC). Currently a LARP mission will be executed with 14 personnel, one each of the following- scoop loader, dump truck, Deployable Universal Combat Earthmover (DEUCE), skid loader, Small Emplacement Excavator (SEE) truck, and RRR kit which are all categorized as heavy drops during airborne …show more content…
The damage on the FLS will be accessed by the LARP NCOIC, and through reconnaissance the NCOIC will determine what equipment, materials and time are needed in order to conduct repairs.
It is critical that before making any repairs to surrounding areas of the FLS, all obstacles must be clear for vehicles to operate safely. This will allow better movement of equipment and kits traveling to the damaged area, whether it be a crater or spall. This allows ample room for equipment to maneuver and make expedient repairs to the airfield. Any craters or spalls from detonations, and any other damage areas found on the FLS will be filled in with debris, crushed rock, and soil. After filling the craters and spalls each area must be compacted, to allow aircraft to land safely. Utilizing Engineers to conduct LARP operations can effectively fill multiple craters, up to 20 feet in depth, in less than 12 hours. (6) As repairs are being done to the FLS, the NCOIC must communicate the progress to the Company Commander on the progress to ensure timely completion. Additionally, size of FLS repair areas will also play a factor with time such as repairs to craters or spalls larger than 6” deep and 24” across. LARP teams are tasked to repair airfields and runways, to regain normal operations of the

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