Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA) is an Indian social security development act created in 2005 to ensure people living in rural areas the right to work. The organizations goals are to employ people who do not have skills in the workforce. The organization planned to use the employees to build roads, infrastructure, water conservation and watershed development. The employees job site was to be located 3 miles from their home. Traveling expenses were to be given to employees that lived over three miles; such as,10 percent in extra wage. These goals were to be available to men and women. At least one third of employees are required to be women; with nursing facilitates in the building. The program was granted 9 million from the government. Today, MNREGA is making an insubstantial difference in India because the program is not helping people who need it the most. The MNREGA program was developed to help promote job and economic development by employing people in that state to help develop it through manual labor. Dadra and Negar Haveli is currently the poorest and least developed state in India. …show more content…
The population of Dadra and Nagar Haveli forms approximately 0.04 percent of India and has a population of approximately 342,853 people. There are 39.41 percent of people living under the poverty line. According to MNREGA State Wise Performance and Targets Report, the total number of worker’s in Dadra and Negar Haveli is 12,000. The total number of active MNREGA workers in Dadra and Negar Haveli is zero. The total number of job cards issued is 8,000; and there are currently zero active work cards. Although Dadra and Negar Haveli is the poorest state in India the MNREGA has not developed an approved labor budget since the 2012-2013 fiscal year. I do not believe the MNREGA is effective in their work in addressing hunger, poverty and malnutrition in their country. The program is only active in states that are already developed. The MNREGA has benefited states with the most political influences; such as, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. MNREGA do not follow ethical principles. Hunger and poverty can be physically painful. It is used as a form of torture and discrimination towards lower class citizens, such as women and children in India. MNREGA actions goes against beneficence, utilitarianism and non-maleficence. India needs to established a better government and attempt to distribute resources equally by encouraging distribution polices in their richest countries, MNREGA current polices go against benefiting the majority. The National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) is a program established in 2014 by the unification of the Department of AIDS Control, and the Department of Health & Family Welfare in India. …show more content…
The government gave NACO an estimated 10-million-dollars to start the program. NACO has two departments that are supervised by a Secretary to the Government of India. NACO’s department of Health & Family Welfare has 36 secondary programs dedicated towards education, family planning and specific health concerns affecting India. The Department of Health Research focuses on science & technology and earth sciences. The organizations main goals are family planning and disease prevention. NACO has developed informative programs about HIV and Aids to eliminate the stigma and discrimination around the disease. They promote the use of contraceptives such as condoms and birth control for protection and they provide treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. The organization has developed safe havens for pregnant woman living with HIV or Aids. There is free counselling, testing centers, faith based and women positive networks and communities. NACO is currently funding HIV treatment, prevention and control research, HIV sentinel surveillance monitoring, and blood drives in India. NACO publishes articles and training modules for physicians, surgeons, laboratory technicians, health care workers and educators in HIV/Aids and family planning. According to, there are currently 2.1 million people living with HIV and Aids in India. Over 130,000 people died from HIV and Aids