Essay On Racism In News

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Racism in News Media is one of the primary way to know the affairs of the world. People believes what they see on newspaper or television without judging if the -information is trustworthy or not. Sometimes the way a situation is presented on media is the exact opposite of the reality. The people in power do not let ordinary citizen know the truth. If the authentic news was provided, general people would think situations differently. In this century, media is a powerful way to spread information rapidly. If fact, it is controlling people. Masses are not aware of it. The media only provides the information which is beneficial for the huge companies. So, everything media provides should not be trusted; news should be justified by people. The United States is the most diverse nation. Still it is not a country for racial minorities. In news, racism is so prominent. Their news is biased. People acquire wrong ideas from these news. Before judging anything, general people should be more concern about knowing the truth. Otherwise people will …show more content…
People are staying in the darkness even though they are bound to provide the correct information. If this continue to happen, the people in power will be able to control everything around us. World cannot be united if the news that we depend on is biased on one side and blind or other. News Channels are mostly responsible for that. Racism in news is not a new topic for today’s world. Especially America is a country where media dominated everything. People forget to use their own intelligence to discretion whether the news is right or not. If this continues, America will never be a country for all racial people. People will continue judge other types as their old stereotypes. Modernization will not occur on people’s mentality. Knowing the right information leads people do correct things. People should try to find the truth and protest against the wrong

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