Essay On Racial Stereotyping

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The United States ended slavery in 1865 and desegregated in 1956 (Smith, par. 70,95), but that does not mean that there are not still racial issues in our world today. Racism can be one of three things: showing hostility toward another race, believing that racism is dead, or applying negative attributes to a certain race (Dixon, par. 7). Racial stereotyping is seen day after day, mostly in digital media—specifically television. Although many will say racism does not exist anymore, there are many sources that prove that it does and how it affects and influences people negatively. There are too many people that believe that racism is dead, but it is truly still a huge problem, especially in the media. People try to justify racist remarks by turning their horrid remarks into jokes. This can be especially found in comedies, sitcoms, and talk shows. Comedians and talk show hosts will “jokingly” make fun of another race, but in all reality, it is not a joke at all. For example, the show, The Simpsons, is known as a racist show due to one character named Apu Nahasapeemapetilon. Apu is the owner of a corner store; he is known to be immigrant with a thick accent, “cheating customers” and odd religious practices (Gladnick, par. 2,3). Although they may be called jokes and their audience may laugh, it is still racial stereotyping. Racial stereotyping is considered a form of racism, and racism is racism no matter how it may be given or portrayed. In making these cruel remarks, people are actually stereotyping the race they are making fun of. According to Bell-Jordan, people also think that racial stereotyping is okay because they think there must be a reason for there to be different races (par. 8). This is a way for them try to justify their racism. Surveys are taken to find out what people think of other races and how stereotypes come to be believed. One survey in particular, only surveyed Caucasians. This survey was taken to show what Caucasians thought of other races. It showed that the Caucasians thought most highly of themselves. It also proved their thoughts on Hispanics, and African Americans which were negative. They said that Hispanics are unintelligent and the majority of African Americans are lazy, prefer welfare, and are more prone to violence (Williams and Williams-Morris, par.9,10). This survey shows how negatively the digital media is portraying these races. Not only that but the viewers are believing it and stereotype in their daily life as well. The representation of racial-ethnic groups are often negative, and one survey in particular showed the portrayal of African Americans. According to Dixon, African Americans were said to be more likely to play a role in television as poor people, drug dealers and criminals than any other race. African Americans are also perceived as lazy and in need of welfare assistance (par. 7). This is one way that proves how racial stereotyping is shown through television. Not only does television portray racial …show more content…
If more activist groups come together and confront the digital media, this movement could happen sooner rather than later. It is so sad that racism still exists in our nation, “the land of the free.” Contrary to what many people believe about racism still existing, it is proven that it does. Racism can and does negatively affect and influence people, this is especially found in the digital media. Television is the most popular source of media where racial stereotyping is found. Many try to justify their racism by turning it into jokes. This only increases racism in our world. Television easily influences its viewers’ thoughts and beliefs about races. There are several ways on how the digital media portrays certain racial and ethnic groups. There are even television shows that purposefully use racial stereotyping as a way to increase their shows ratings. Racial stereotyping is highly affective on those being negatively portrayed in the media. It is also very influential on its viewers’ beliefs, opinions, and attitudes towards races. Racial stereotyping is so common but needs to be ended. Eliminating racial stereotyping in the media will also help to eliminate it completely in our society, as it is such a huge problem. This is an issue that needs to be addressed and put to a stop as soon as

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