In “From The Myth of Race” by Agustin Fuentes, a professor of anthropology states that there is no support for biological races. Agustin Fuentes shuts down the idea that humans can be divided into biological groups by saying, “Despite attempts by researchers over the centuries to divide humans into races based on skull shape, geographic location, and presumed cultural differences, there is absolutely no support for any of these classifications as actually reflecting the ways in which the human skull, genetic characteristics, or other phenotypes cluster in our species” (520). He’s saying that race has nothing to with genetics or one’s culture. Many people believe race connects to a person’s geographic location or physical appearance. Fuentes states, “many Americans assume that because we seem able to determine a person’s race by looking at them or because we can test our DNA and get a percentage of Yoruba or Irish ancestry using AIMs, then the concept of race must have some biological validity; this is wrong” (524). His point is that people don 't understand the background knowledge of patterns in human biological variation to make realistic assertions of this. Those who live in the United States may have a different perception of what race is than those across the globe. Fuentes corrects many misinterpretations of what race is believed to be, so what is
In “From The Myth of Race” by Agustin Fuentes, a professor of anthropology states that there is no support for biological races. Agustin Fuentes shuts down the idea that humans can be divided into biological groups by saying, “Despite attempts by researchers over the centuries to divide humans into races based on skull shape, geographic location, and presumed cultural differences, there is absolutely no support for any of these classifications as actually reflecting the ways in which the human skull, genetic characteristics, or other phenotypes cluster in our species” (520). He’s saying that race has nothing to with genetics or one’s culture. Many people believe race connects to a person’s geographic location or physical appearance. Fuentes states, “many Americans assume that because we seem able to determine a person’s race by looking at them or because we can test our DNA and get a percentage of Yoruba or Irish ancestry using AIMs, then the concept of race must have some biological validity; this is wrong” (524). His point is that people don 't understand the background knowledge of patterns in human biological variation to make realistic assertions of this. Those who live in the United States may have a different perception of what race is than those across the globe. Fuentes corrects many misinterpretations of what race is believed to be, so what is