R V Anthony Cook Case Study

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The case R. V. Anthony - Cook took place back on February 9th , 2013 when the accused Anthony Cook got into a fight with Michael Gregory outside a drop-in clinic in Vancouver. The center was open to people who were facing addiction and mental health issues, both of the men had past issues with mental illness and substance abuse. On the day of the crime Michael Gregory, who, was volunteering at the center was punched twice each hitting him in the head and knocking him over, Gregory then fell into unconsciousness when he hit the pavement and suffered a fatal skull fracture. Cooks then fled the scene and was arrested a couple hours later, he was sent to a mental intuition for two months, after which he was released and was then charged with manslaughter and pleaded not guilty. After he was released on bail and given certain conditions such has having to live in a mental health facility and placed on curfew. Once Cooks missed his curfew his bail was revoked and was re-arrested and held in custody for 11 months until his hearing. …show more content…
A joint submission is when the crown and the defense counsel both agree upon a recommendation of a sentence to the trial judge and in exchange for both parties agreeing, the accused must plead guilty. Cooks was given another 18 months in custody for agreeing to the joint submission with, the addition of the 11 months he already spent from pretrial and wasn't given probation. Following the plea agreement Cooks was unhappy about not receiving time credited and probation, his lawyers then appealed the case to the British court of appeal in which the appeal was denied. Judge Ehrcke presiding over the appeal wanted to throw out the joint submission and give Anthony Cooks a longer sentence which included prohibition. Even though it was against Cooks medical supervision judge Ehrcke imposed a longer in custody sentence and three year's

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