With college debt at an unbelievable amount it makes everyone wonder if the education is worth it. For most people, a certain amount of debt can be okay but only if provided with jobs to pay it back. The total student debt in the country has reached one trillion dollars. In an article called “Is College Worth it?”, Quinton Skinner, the author, mentions that this enormous amount of debt is caused by the increase of college tuition which has risen more than 500% since 1985. This cost outpaces the skyrocketing health-care costs. Brian Kelly portrays this idea in his article, “Is College Still Worth It?”, when he says that private colleges have now topped an unthinkable price of $50,000 a year. If a student continued …show more content…
As many studies show there is more money to be made with a college education, and it is becoming a requirement for new jobs. A college education not only affects the college graduate but also benefits the rest of the economy. It is understandable though the price for college may turn people away from attending a college, but it is important to remember that there are also alterative options like online school. So when the day comes when people ask themselves if a college education is worth it, realize that it is worth it, and it is the right