Quality Improvement In Nursing

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In the attempt to call the attention to the importance of improving the quality and health care outcomes, in 1999 the Institute of Medicine had submitted a report called To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System. Although more than ten years ago, this report stressed the need of a redesign in the process of the patient’s care, little progress in the improvement of quality and safety has been achieved (Clark, 2013). Even though there were some important initiatives in the implementation of quality and safety after the report, only in 2013 The Joint Commission made a significant contribution in order to accelerate the process and enforced quality and safety through standards such as National Patient Safety Goals and Core Measures of nursing competency. Under these circumstances, the unsuccessful attempts toward Quality Improvement within the healthcare setting, forced the healthcare system to take a different route and turn back to roots of nursing education. At this juncture, effective education was considered a crucial tool to achieve and to ensure constant progress in the Quality Improvement process; under the acknowledgment that education is accountable for the formation and improvement in physical, moral, and intellectual capacity, promoting achievement of quality and preparation for overall competitiveness within the health system. In 2005, this new perspective made a group of nurses reacted in response to the Institute of Medicine’s report creating the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) initiative, which purpose was to provide resource to nursing faculty and to help in the incorporation of up to date quality and safety standards into nursing education (QSEN Institute, 2013). Quality and Safety Education for Nurses was created in response to the challenges impeding the Quality Improvement process in the healthcare setting; and since then Quality Improvement has been a goal existent in all levels of nursing education. …show more content…
This movement toward a restructuration of the patient’s care process had led to the incorporation of the Core Competencies and Standards of Quality into their curricula and most of the nursing programs are currently in the process of change. The objective of this curricular redesign is to ensure that the nurses of the future fulfill the requirements necessary to perform a quality care (AACN, 2008). During the implementation of this new nursing curricula design, the new approach proposed by QSEN initiative had face some challenges to enhance Quality Improvement into nursing education. For instance, some of the challenges are the shortage of nursing faculty, ineffective and/or deficient training, and increased cost of training and/or continued education. In accordance with the American Association of College of Nursing (2012a) the shortage of nursing faculty had indicated that several nursing faculty may be academically or experientially unqualified to teach students on how to approach and implement the Quality Improvement process. This academic difficulty convey to unprepared faculty of nursing, which increases the discrepancy between the academic needs and Quality Improvement process. The AACN (2012a) had revealed that the average age of master and doctoral nursing graduated is superior to 55 years of age, which consist with high rate of retirement and disassociation relate to personal conditions. The lack of incentives and delayed into pursue an advanced degree in nursing education may be some factors leading to the nursing faculty shortage. There are few factors that should be considered in the impact of the nurse 's ability to participate in the efforts to improve the Quality Improvement process. …show more content…
In first place, the average age of the nursing workforce was 47 years in 2008 and expected to be 44.5 years by 2012, which leads to the consideration that twenty years ago Quality Improvement was not within the core competencies of the nursing practice and curricula (AACN, 2012a). As a result, this group of nurses within the healthcare system and actively practicing may lack of knowledge, skills, and attitude to completely engage the Quality Improvement required nowadays. Another challenge to the Quality Improvement is based in the fact that each year healthcare institutions around the world are implementing new strategies to achieve quality improvement and reduce the cost of health service. It can never be forgotten that health care is a business and changes in the health care service has resulted in the expansion

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