Mitchell Harper- Biography
Mitchell Harper is an Australian based entrepreneur who specializes in Marketing and Advertising. He is a family oriented man and a company builder having constructed and managed six companies. Mitchell is also an investor and an advisor whose sole purpose is to assist companies’ growth and boost smart young entrepreneurs. He does this by engaging with them and learning more about their businesses.
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Situational Leadership Theory constructed by Hersey and Blanchard (1988) suggests that a formidable leader uses one of the four techniques of mandating, governing, reinforcing and training. He does this to ensure the assistant’s readiness to performing an assigned task.
Transformational and Charismatic Leadership share a universal component in explaining of the standards principals use. They include facets of morality, solicitous, intellectually arousing, inspirationally spurring, ingenuity, and of Acme behavioral caliber. Emotional bonding, reverence, and reliance are some of the essential characteristics of leaders and their followers. Chief Principals should adhere to such for improved working conditions and accomplishments for their employees (Avolio & Yammarino, 2013). …show more content…
He explains that a lot of business goes through this phase and it is only the persistent ones that eventually survive. In conclusion, he puts a particular reference for one to love and be passionate about their businesses. Passion goes a long way in maintaining a business even if capital is missing. Passion would revive a dead business time and time again.
Executive Summary
Mitchell speaks of never giving up. He explains that numerous obstacles may align in a new business, the only key to success is dependent on what decisions will be taken. He encourages business owners to carefully accept and tackle business barriers as stepping stones into the next big thing.
The correct aspect of planning is the root in maintaining the cause of success for most business in the world today. At times, the initial plan for a business may be deterred by inescapable events. It is, therefore, advisable for one to change the authentic stratagem and adopt a new one for rescuing that business thus flexibility (Harper,