Religion was so vital to the Puritans that they decided to leave England when it created its own church. At first the Puritans were willing to stay if reforms were made to the Church of England, but unfortunately, the king at the time, King Charles I, threatened the Puritans if they did not respect the Catholic church. The Puritans left to freely practice their own religion without interference from the Catholic church. Little did they know that citizens of their community would be faced with sinning through witchcraft. Puritans lived in the town in order to be close to always walk to church. As much as the Puritans tried to stay away from the devil, some women were forced to sign the devil’s book. When a Puritan signed the devil’s book, that was one step towards sinning because they were basically saying that God is inferior to them and the devil has more power. For example, Sara Bridges was on trial for witchcraft but even though she denied it, the sister said that the devil came to her sister and “told his name was Jesus and that she must serve and worship him” (Reis 80). When the devil came up to Bridges, the devil made her renounce her beliefs with God and
Religion was so vital to the Puritans that they decided to leave England when it created its own church. At first the Puritans were willing to stay if reforms were made to the Church of England, but unfortunately, the king at the time, King Charles I, threatened the Puritans if they did not respect the Catholic church. The Puritans left to freely practice their own religion without interference from the Catholic church. Little did they know that citizens of their community would be faced with sinning through witchcraft. Puritans lived in the town in order to be close to always walk to church. As much as the Puritans tried to stay away from the devil, some women were forced to sign the devil’s book. When a Puritan signed the devil’s book, that was one step towards sinning because they were basically saying that God is inferior to them and the devil has more power. For example, Sara Bridges was on trial for witchcraft but even though she denied it, the sister said that the devil came to her sister and “told his name was Jesus and that she must serve and worship him” (Reis 80). When the devil came up to Bridges, the devil made her renounce her beliefs with God and