• Describe common symptoms of research team’s given mental disorder.
• Identify possible causes and available treatments for given mental disorders.
• Locate local and online resources for information and services regarding prevention and treatment strategies for given mental health disorders.
Curriculum Standard: SS 12.P.52 Categories of psychological disorders.
Psychology students coming into this lesson should have a basic understanding between the concepts of normality and abnormality in regards to psychology. In the field of Psychology, professionals find a line to draw between normal and abnormal by attempting to examine …show more content…
Students will be divided into research teams of 3-6 members. Each research team will consist of at least one patient, medical expert or mental health professional, and a family member or significant other.
3. I will assign one mental health condition to each research team from various categories of psychological disorders. Examples include: clinical depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or social anxiety disorder.
4. Each team member will be given a guided worksheet of questions to work through based on their assigned role. Questions are designed to have each team member stay in their particular role and are specific to the roles assigned. For example, medical professionals are asked diagnostic criteria of the mental health disorder or patients are asked why they might not seek professional assistance based on workplace stigmas.
5. Research teams will compile their findings into an informal report to present to the class and will be assessed on the ability to adequately answer all the questions from their worksheets.
6. Each student will formulate one learned item or “take-away” from each presentation as an exit ticket from …show more content…
• A formative assessment in the form of the individual worksheets given to each research team member with questions from their perspective roles.
• An informal summative assessment in the form of informal presentation of findings by the research team.
• Exit tickets with a “take-away” fact from each presentation given.
Special Adaptations:
Since all students will not have the same deep understanding or prior knowledge coming into the lesson, I will specifically assign students without the basic knowledge to larger groups to ensure they have a partner in the role play to assist on the research questions. For my ELL students, they are perfectly welcome to find resources in their language and share with the class how culturally diverse mental illness and resources can be.