Freedom of speech allows Americans say what they would like to say without getting in trouble. There are a few exceptions such as no slander, threats, national security and some pornography. This means you can’t go around hurting people’s reputations and life with lies. You also are not allowed to give threats and share …show more content…
Like freedom of speech you are not allowed to print threats, national security and libel. Libel is the same as slander, where you can’t ruin someone’s life and reputation with lies, but it just means you’re not allowed to print the libel and threats rather than saying it.
The newspaper has many people who read it, whether it’s in print or electronic. Anything in the paper can get around fast and everyone will know about it. One court case that was based off of freedom of press was the Zenger case. In 1733, John Peter Zenger who is a New York newspaper editor was convicted of libel. He said things in the newspaper that was ruining a man’s reputation. In the court they found that what Zenger had said were true, so he was allowed to say the truth even though it was ruining someone’s life. This case was based off of freedom of …show more content…
Say you have a problem with a law that says you have to be in your house by ten o’clock every night. You can gather people who agree that it’s an awful law and have them sign a request that asks for the law to be taken away or changed. You typically need thousands of signature, but it all depends on how big the issue is and who you are giving the request to. The government does not have to give in and agree to do what the petition says, but they do try and get back to you about it and tell you why they can’t or won’t do it, however, it’s not guaranteed that they will.
Freedom of assembly allows Americans to meet anywhere with other people. You and your friends can go to the park and just hang out if you want, but there are exceptions. Some of these exceptions are if there are any unlawful or disruptive activities going on, properties restrictions, or if a permit is needed to be there. Other than those you and your friends can be at the park all you want as long as you’re not tripping runners or trespassing into the woods than say no