Pros And Cons Of Technology In Fahrenheit 451

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In a society that outlaws books, you’d assume every citizen would want to rebel against this rule. However, most people in Ray Bradbury’s fictional society in the novel Fahrenheit 451 blindfully accept this and follow to the government’s orders. This is slightly similar to our society in the positive ways of how we challenge those that don’t want us to form our own thoughts, as well in the ways that technology has unfortunately glued us to our phones. However, there are some differences between the two that prove our society is nowhere near a dystopia. In modern society, we have the freedom to find limitless information, as well as the ability to establish communications through technology that Fahrenheit 451 doesn’t.
As a novel written in
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In Fahrenheit 451, Mildred was so addicted to technology that she overdosed on drugs. The morning after the overdose, Montag tells Mildred, “Maybe you took two pills and forgot and took two more, and forgot again and took two more, and were so dopy you kept right on until you had thirty or forty of them in you” (17). Mildred’s entertainment obsession brainwashed her to the point of emptiness and carelessness. It was already proven earlier in the novel that Mildred’s life had been taken over by technology, so it’s likely that she wasn’t paying attention to what she was doing with her own life because she was too wrapped up in the lives of her “parlor family”. It’s clear that our society is very similar to this, especially among teenagers. Teachers have to consistently tell students to put their phones away when they’re on it in class, and some students ignore them and continue to sneak it behind a binder or in their lap. Our society can’t even go a mere hour without checking their phones because people have gotten so attached to them. Furthermore, some people in our world have even killed themselves because of technology. According to Fox News, a 13-year-old boy jumped to his death from a tall building after playing online multiplayer game for 36 hours straight, leaving behind a suicide note that said he wanted “to join the heroes of the game he worshiped” (“Chinese ‘Warcraft’ Game Distributor Sued Over Teen’s Suicide.” Fox News. Fox News Network, 12 May 2006. Web. 18 Aug. 2016). Like people in Fahrenheit 451, this kid was borderline obsessed with something on a screen. He established a human-like relationship with the “heroes” of a video

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