For example, a teacher might instruct a student to study for a test and the student plays his or her PlayStation instead of studying. This shows that he or she did exactly what they wanted to do, and didn’t make an effort to study for the test at all. In addition, some students are careless and don’t understand how a school can truly affect their future. For instance, a student doesn’t bring a pencil to class and he or she knows that the teacher expects the students to come prepared. Most schools provide utensils, textbooks, or paper in the main office. If the student doesn’t come with the materials he or she needs to succeed the student is being careless. Some students don’t understand how vital it is to come to school prepared to learn. If students don’t show up to class, he or she won’t be able to learn the lessons to succeed on any test, especially standardized tests. Sometimes parents or guardians don’t care if a student comes to school or not, they can honestly care less. Some family members or guardians don’t push education on particular students, and this may cause a student to not take school seriously. On the other hand, student’s need efficiency boost to do his or her best in school is critical and needed to the highest degree, so any student can not only succeed but have a phenomenal future. Students …show more content…
Standardized tests can’t be controlled because students aren’t forced to increase the average score. Even though standardized test shows the growth in schools, it should be noted that a guarantee is not always offered. A standardized test is all about collaboration with students and teacher and is vital to be in use. For that reason, a standardized test shouldn’t determine whether or not a school should be shut down or not. Standardized tests can be biased because they 're written by caucasian people for caucasian people and this can affect african american students from getting into college. According to inside higher ED, “the College Board says that American society is unfair, but the SAT is fair. And while many educators question that fairness of using a test on which wealthier students do consistently better than less wealthy students, research findings that directly isolate race as a factor in the fairness of individual SAT questions have, of late, been few.” Society shouldn’t expect the less fortunate students to perform above average on the test because they get education from less fortunate