1. Create a Foodless Environment
Skunks thrive on a wide variety of foods -- dog food, fruit, three-week-old fish sticks. You'd be surprised at what skunks will eat when they're hungry. One of the keys to removing skunks from your yard is getting rid of all sources of food. That means removing fallen seeds and fruits, keeping trash sealed …show more content…
Conveniently, cat litter is one such repellent. So if you have cat litter available, use this to your advantage. Once a skunk has gone out looking for food, place cat litter in and around the area it's been using for shelter.
If cat litter isn't a strong enough deterrent, consider using a commercial skunk repellent, such as capsaicin spray or predator urine.
3. Put Skunks in the Spotlight
Thanks to their nocturnal habits, skunks prefer to do their foraging at night. How can you use this to your advantage? Use artificial light to make it seem like daytime when it's dark outside.
Use multiple spotlights to light your yard up like a Christmas tree, or have lights installed throughout your yard.
To reduce your utility expenses (and be more environmentally friendly) use solar-powered lights. You can also have motion sensors installed, which will alert you when skunks are entering your yard and scare them away.
Getting rid of skunks doesn't have to cause a stink. Always keep your distance when dealing with skunks, and follow the above tips to safely dissuade them from entering your yard. If you find yourself dealing with stubborn skunks that refuse to leave your yard without a fight, call a pest removal expert to capture and remove the skunks -- before someone gets