Sure there is financial aid, but most of the time that isn 't enough. Kids don 't go to college and end up working in laborious fields to make enough money to put food on the table. However, if parental licensing was enforced children would be in higher income families that can afford to send them to college. These kids would also do better in high school. Without stressful situations at home, grades will become much improved. Though kids might not always go to college, they still will have the tools to live a successful life. Parental licensing would also help teach kids how to be a good parent. By growing up around good parents its a lot less likely that you will end up being a bad parent. This in turn will eventually take away the need for parental licensing. Parental licensing could do a lot for the education of America. By only letting kids be raised in homes where they are well taken care of, they will be able to go to college and have the tools they need to do what they want with their
Sure there is financial aid, but most of the time that isn 't enough. Kids don 't go to college and end up working in laborious fields to make enough money to put food on the table. However, if parental licensing was enforced children would be in higher income families that can afford to send them to college. These kids would also do better in high school. Without stressful situations at home, grades will become much improved. Though kids might not always go to college, they still will have the tools to live a successful life. Parental licensing would also help teach kids how to be a good parent. By growing up around good parents its a lot less likely that you will end up being a bad parent. This in turn will eventually take away the need for parental licensing. Parental licensing could do a lot for the education of America. By only letting kids be raised in homes where they are well taken care of, they will be able to go to college and have the tools they need to do what they want with their