Whether it be tests or quizzes, questions and doubts all spiral around in average students head, all accumulating into one thing: stress. Another reason the no pass, no play rule should not be put into action is that sports are a way for students to relieve stress, and forget about the horrors that school gives them every day of the week. According to an NPR poll, Harvard School of Public Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation conducted, "Almost 40 percent of parents say their high-schooler is experiencing a lot of stress from school," and, "that stress is from academics, not social issues or bullying." Students are already facing copious amounts of stress, without having their only escape from their troubles being threatened, and the no pass, no play rule will only further threaten the student athlete's mental health. Not only does the no pass, no play rule affect students in a negative way, not putting the rule into action can also help students relieve stress. When you exercise, your mind is getting distracted by the stressor you face every day, which can help you avoid getting beaten up by negative thoughts. Kathryn Watson of the Healthline newsletter wrote in her article that, "Exercise reduces the levels of stress hormones in your body. At the same time, it stimulates the production of endorphins. These are natural mood lifters that can keep stress and depression at bay." Even …show more content…
Crystal VanTassel wrote, "Through sports, kids learn the importance of time management and discipline... Participating in team sports gives kids the opportunity to gain an understanding of both winning and losing, as well as recognize the value of every teammates’ abilities in contributing toward a shared goal... Children build friendships with other children and their coaches, which is a great way for your child to expand their social skills." These are only some of the things that sports can teach students. Sports can also build kids confidence by giving them the opportunity to flaunt their skills, and can also help kids experience the importance of teamwork. All of these skills are important not only in school but in real life, where you have to be able to cooperate with other people and act with discipline and respect towards others. Why strip the children of an essential learning opportunity that may change the way they carry on with the rest of their life? You may be wondering, don't students learn some of these things in the classroom? Well while students can learn skills such as teamwork in school, students learn how to cooperate with their teammates more efficiently if they are all working towards something they are passionate about. Often, students tend to be more passionate about things that they chose to work towards, then just