Since the introduction on the genetically modified organism in the mid to late 1990’s many people have debated on their economic and environmental impact, as well as their safety for human consumption. Many companies like Monsanto and Dow Agro-science that produce these bioengineered foods have conducted research on the topics of environmental and economic benefits as well as the safety of GMO foods. The results of the studies conclude that genetically modified foods are safe, economically beneficial, environmentally sensible, and have no danger to the people that consume them. The bioengineered organism has already and will continue to benefit not only the United States, but also many other developed …show more content…
The organizations that conduct studies concerning the overall safety of the GMO foods screen each GMO crop that is currently available which contains genes from known allergenic sources and if the certain crop is shown to have a higher risk of containing a certain allergen or toxin, it will be discontinued by these organizations. “The GM foods currently on the market have been tested for increased levels of known allergens and toxins and none has been found (ICSU).” (5) Many speculations regarding the safety for GMO foods involve the concern of a “super-bacteria” which will evolve due to the heavy use of anti-biotic genes inserted into these foods. Bio-engineered food researchers believe that the likelihood of an anti-biotic resistant bacteria surfacing is slim. Although this is the case, the FAO and the World Health Organization has still continued to dishearten the use of these anti-biotic marker genes in the GMO foods on the market. “Although scientists believe the probability of transfer is extremely low (GM Science Review Panel), the use of antibiotic-resistant genes has been discouraged by an FAO and WHO expert panel (2000) and other bodies.” (5) Overall GM foods are safe to eat due to the strict regulation standards put into place by international organizations such as W.H.O. and …show more content…
This common theme is: what is the effect of producing and farming GMO’s on the environment? The effect on the production and farming of GMO’s on the surrounding the environment can be answered simply by saying, there are little to no negative effects. While traditional farming uses thousands of gallons of water, pesticide, and herbicide, modern GMO crops can be engineered to drastically reduce this. The widespread use of pesticide in the modern era of farming can have drastic adverse effects on not only the environment surrounding the infected area, but also the humans which inhabit that specific area. Pesticides are traditionally sprayed from crop duster airplanes; this is a highly ineffective way of covering the crops, and a highly effective way of infecting the environment with potentially deadly consequences. These consequences can include but are not limited to, groundwater contamination, killing of controller species, and creation of new pests. (6) The production and distribution of GM crops with a pesticide gene included inside, like Bt corn, has the potential to decrease and eliminate harmful crop dusting and widespread pesticide use; which will in turn positively affect the