Pit bulls are vicious animals and should not be pets, but let’s look at what they were really bred for. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, (ASPCA) Pitbull’s were bred for bull-baiting and bear-baiting. They were bred to hold these large animals by the face in the United Kingdom. When this had become illegal in the late 1800s, people decided a new fate for these companions, which was fighting.
A Pit bull was bred with a Bulldog and a Terrier to combine the agility and gameness of both breeds. Although Bulldog’s were bred to be vicious animals and take down bulls, you don’t see many places where they ban them, do you? If you’ve been around a Bulldog, they are …show more content…
I haven’t ever seen a Bulldog that was vicious. Let’s see the other side that makes up a Pit bull. A Terrier. Terrier’s where bred to hunt small animals and have no history of vicious behavior. Both breeds were bred in Great Britain.
If Bulldogs originally were bred for being vicious animals, why aren’t they getting the bad rap that Pit bulls do? Doing some research, I had found that an entire website was dedicated to Pitbull’s and their dangerous behaviors. “In the 12-year period of 2005 through 2016, canines killed 392 Americans. Pit bulls contributed to 65% (254) of these deaths. Combined, Pit bulls and Rottweilers contributed to 76% of the total recorded deaths” [Dogsbite.org]. They had a “more” option which I clicked on with curiosity to see if this information was really accurate. Unfortunately, it was. They had a list of facts, including Bulldogs in the mix, all with statistics and citations of the information. What they fail to mention in these scary …show more content…
Nearly all of them that I looked at were infants and children aged 5-10 years of age. Noticing a pattern, I decided to research why. I went to the website of Cesar Millan, a Mexican-American dog behaviorist. With over 25 years of dog experience, Cesar is well known for his TV show, Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan. Prior to his TV show, Cesar was working with rehabilitating severely aggressive dogs. On this article written by Edward P. Buchanan, MD, it says that approximately 4 million people are bitten by dogs yearly. Close to one half of these bites involve