Our team was effective in our communications on a daily bases while working on our project. Which can establish a shared knowledge base, which determined our services. Team communication is always the key factor of adequate decision-making. However, the team communicates very well with each other by email and we responded quickly to each other’s emails daily. Even though we were on a team together, and we never had a face-to-face conversations we as a team did very well communicating our ideas through social media Leaders can generate an atmosphere in which members feel comfortable sharing information (Thompson, …show more content…
When the team addresses the relationship conflict, then they can divide those in conflict into subgroups that work on other phases of the objectives. We can deal with process conflict by using a coach or third party to promote a review of the current processes and the design of new ones. However, it can address task conflict by getting the employees to have a positive impact on the team. With this scenario, our team would be able to carry on moving towards attaining its goals while strongly addressing the conflict issue (Thompson,