The Gilded Age was marked by a large margin which separated the rich from the poor. Industrial growth was exceeding expectations, while lower-class citizens and immigrants lived in less than appealing conditions. The government was corrupted and was famous for many scandals, including that of the famous Mobilier Scandal, which damaged the careers of many politicians. Immagracy during this time was an unsettling topic and was widely concerning, The Chinese Exlusion Act of 1882, …show more content…
In 1919, congress enforced the Volstead Act, which officialized prohibition. Also, January 16th, 1919, the 18th amendment was passed, enforing prohibition. During the Gilded Age, the economy was primarily based off of the succession of Robber Barons and their big businesses. In the 1920's, however, the economy was stablized by consumerism. In the 1920's, unlawful segregation was blatently practiced, although rarely labeled. During this era, economic growth inclined as well. After World War 1, American citizens were dillusional by the fact of materialism and consumerism increased greatly. While this movement was going on, the gap between rich and poor was noticably widening.The radio, invented in 1895, formerly known as "the wireless telegraph," helped America develop a mass, popular culture of the consumption of luxury items. In order to take full advantage of the profits being made, big businesses merged together and grew exceedingly larger. However, 1929, the end of "The Roaring Twneties," was abrubtly unsettled due to the stock market crash, putting many American citizens out of jobs. Products were being deveolped without being sold, which took money out of the pockets of big