One of the biggest problems we have with high school sports currently is coaches who fail to respect the kids and the sport. Ultimately they are ignoring the massive impact they have on athletes’ lives and they lives that surround that sports team. Sadly there are many coaches who do not belong working with children but they some how get the job and seem to never leave it. This is happening all over the nation and sadly this problem hasn’t seemed to disappear because there isn’t much of a movement against it.
Winning does not make you a great coach. Being a great role model, a leader for your young athletes, a teacher of character and life lessons, a coach for not only the sport but for the kids themselves, those are the things that make for a great coach. One of the the most destructive forces in youth sports are coaches that take huge rosters of players for financial reasons, and then don’t give kids playing time. I firmly believe that if you picked them for your team, you saw something in them that would benefit the team in a great way and that is why you should play them. When we take people’s money and then sit …show more content…
I know firsthand that honest mistakes by the players can be made in tryouts because of how nervous you can get because this is your one and only shot at making the team and if you have a bad day, your definitely not going to make the team. You have limited tryout times and there are tons of other players the coaches can choose from and to add even more pressure, there are sometimes multiple teams offering a kid a spot on their team because they are that good. The major downfall for tryouts is that the coach is forced to offer spots to players that had no opportunity for additional evaluation like getting to know the kid personally so you know if they will do the team good or be a