Marijuana is highly used as medication for many medical problems and in place of some prescription pills. In December of 2017, Colorado recorded data on how many people use marijuana as medicine in the state. 167 kids between the ages of 0-10 got marijuana to treat seizures. 93,205 people between the ages of 11-71 and older who reported having severe pain were …show more content…
Hemp is not only good on the economy but also the environment. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, one acre of hemp can produce 4 times more paper than one acre of tree. All types of products made from paper can be made from hemp. Newsprint, computer paper, stationary, cardboard, envelopes, toilet paper, and even tampons can be safely made from the plant. Hemp is renewable in many ways. A tree can take from 20-50 years to grow before it can be harvested whereas a hemp plant only takes four months. Cotton can only be grown in warmer states and requires large amounts of water. Hemp fiber is 10 times stronger than cotton, it can be grown in all 50 states and requires little water. Hemp plants naturally repel weeds and has few insect problems therefore reducing the uses of herbicides and pesticides by a lot. Products made by hemp also include clothing like jeans, hats, jackets, shoes, and dresses. Building materials can also be made from hemp. Substitutes for wood can be created from the plant and are stronger than wood and can be manufactured cheaper than wood from trees. During World War II, the U.S. temporarily re-legalized hemp so farmers could grow it for war effort due to shortages of rope, lubricating oils, shoe materials, and other materials. Legalization of the plant could save the economy billions of dollars each year. Some economists agree that with hemp legalization, we …show more content…
“Intoxicated patients stream into emergency departments after crashing their cars, inhaling their own vomit, or falling into a coma. According to the National Institutes of Health, alcohol-related conditions contributed to more than 1.2 million emergency department visits in 2010. The Centers for Disease Control reports excessive alcohol consumption causes roughly 88,000 deaths in the U.S. each year.” When patients stop drinking, the results are scary. Heavy drinkers who don’t consume the same amount of alcohol daily go into alcohol withdrawal. Ranging from mild tremors to terrifying seizures and even death. Cocaine causes heart attacks, kidney failure, and major complications during pregnancy such as placental abruption. Methamphetamine can trigger multiple responses. From hyperthermia, violent agitation to even cardiogenic shock. Opioids such as morphine can put patients into respiratory failure and kill them. Intravenous drug use puts patients at high risk of hepatitis, endocarditis, or even brain abscesses. “We don’t see cannabis overdoses.” He states. “We don’t order scans for cannabis-related abscesses. We don’t treat cannabis-induced heart attacks. In hospitals across the country, patients writhe in agony from alcohol withdrawal, turn violent from crystal meth, and struggle to breathe after overdosing on prescription opioids. These are cases that keep health care providers on