From eliminating one of the most renowned terrorists in the world to providing aid in the Arab Spring, the administration proves repeatedly that the United States is a compassionate nation that should be respected and revered by the rest of the world. The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) between the United States and Russia maintains a civil relationship between the two powerhouse nations and prevents the occurrence of a second cold war and nuclear arms race. Specifically the treaty places limits on strategic arms, the goal of START is for each nation to have a significantly smaller amount of weapons within seven years from the Treaty is enacted. The original Treaty was enacted in 1991, and the current limit on warheads is 74% lower than originally established, and 30% lower than the 2002 Moscow Treaty (Lee, J., February 2011). This gradual decrease in manufactured weapons was decided primarily because completely cutting them out would be virtually impossibly, but lowering the amount allowed every decade or so accomplishes a similar goal. The United States and Russia have been on the brink of nuclear war since the close of World War II, and for the safety of billions of people, the Treaty is necessary. Perhaps the most important measures under the treaty are the new elements that are combined …show more content…
After a devastating earthquake hit an already poverty-stricken nation, Obama immediately passed the Haiti Debt Relief and Earthquake Recovery Act of 2010 to provide funds to reconstruct the third world country. The act gave Haiti $100 million and urged the Secretary of Treasury to give the country a pass on anything that they might need to repay (Haiti Debt Relief, January 2010). Specifically it sought to cancel all remaining debts by Haiti, suspension of its debt service payments, and provision emergency, humanitarian, and reconstruction assistance to Haiti in the form of grants or other non-debt assistance. This allowed the Haitian government to focus their resources on repairing their nation and rebuilding it from the ground up to what it once was. The act also urged the Secretary to instruct the U.S. Executive Director of the IMF, or International Monetary Fund, to advocate the use of some of the profits from the on going sale of gold to provide debt stock relief, debt service relief, and grants. It also urged for support to the creation and utilization of a multilateral, or agreed on with multiple nations, trust fund for Haiti that would leverage potential U.S. contributions, promote bilateral donations for investments in Haiti’s future, and promote reforestation