Going to school for the first time, can be a scary and amazing experience for 3, 4, and 5 -year-olds but this time in their life is extremely crucial. Their love of learning in later years stems from the experiences they have during preschool. Many adults still remember at least one teacher, or experience they had during preschool. It’s important to take the responsibility of the experiences preschoolers have. I believe there are important influences that create quality preschool care which are the emersion of multiple intelligences in preschool, exploration of their world through play, and social transitions when playing with others.
The emersion of multiple intelligences during the preschool years is a very important influence when looking at quality preschool care. Everyone has a certain level of each of the 6 intelligences, just some are more dominant. These intelligences are not learning styles, though. The intelligences consist of linguistic, logical, musical, spatial, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal. In preschool children, discovering how each child learn is a key to teaching them. There is no “one size fits all” when helping preschoolers learn. Teachers can do an informal evaluation at the beginning of the year with parents to see what ways that specific children would learn best. These evaluations can be used to create different activities that will help each child learn a specific concept. So if a preschool class is comprised of mostly kinesthetic, musical and linguistic intelligences, and the objective is counting to 10. I would have the kinesthetic group jumping while counting to 10. The musical group would sing a song that uses counting to 10, and the linguistic group would put together a puzzle that lists the number 1-10. Preschool children learn best through their play. While they do learn things during group time, having free play is extremely important toward learning. As parents and educators, we need to ensure that we are providing an environment that is scaffolding concepts that we want them to learn. Some things that are important for preschoolers’ play. The use of props, language modeling, the scenes being acted out, the time frame of play and the roles children act out are all great indicators of play. Using these indicators helps educators see how to improve children’s play and scaffold their learning of concepts. So if a preschool class needs to work on the concept of storytelling, an educator could start with a basic social skill of self-talk and add objects to the environment to promote skills scaffolding up to directing other children in play. And lastly, social transitions when playing with others is a huge influence during the preschool years. This stage in their life, preschoolers are in a preoperational stage where they use language to communicate and using objects to represent words or picture. This age, …show more content…
As parents, educators, and caregivers, we need to “embrace the preschool child.” The little things that they do are affected by our reactions. So instead of yelling at a child for dumping out all the flour in the cabinet, use it as a teachable moment. Let them experiment. Just be sure to have them help clean afterwards. I believe there are important influences that create quality preschool care which are the emersion of multiple intelligences in preschool, exploration of their world through play, and social transitions when playing with