While thinking about poverty, one automatically connects it with Third World countries such as Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Haiti, and Uganda amongst many others. But the truth is many Canadians struggle with poverty as well. There are numerous factors that play a significant part that allows one to understand why there is poverty in Third World countries for example, lacking technological advances of agriculture that we possess automatically sets them back and lack of booming exports that could support by bringing in money also greatly contributes to the mass poverty in those countries. Canada, however, is one of the most “prosperous countries” in the world so why would we even assume poverty in Canada. We have a booming …show more content…
As the results are calculated, progress is being made – notably towards seniors and families with young. By using these measure we can are able to see a consistent time serie, determine the effectivness of the income compared to basic needs and the reflect differences relative to spending by the average household and take into account spending patterns by the average family. Furthermore, it provides a meaningful breakdown in terms of outcomes, for instance, children a part of the poverty line do significantly worse as in contrast to those above the line. Some other issues that it tells us about poverty is that people experincing poverty are victums of a society that either fails to include them in a range of activites or kepps them from recieving their fair share of societys resources. Lower poverty rates make it easier to blam individual to for getting themselves into their situation. However higher rates show that society is inequatiable at distributing of economic resources and employemnt opportunities among it’s members. Some factors that it does not tell us about poverty are the areas of expenditure, causes distraction from what is really important, such as trends in poverty in terms of meeting needs, and