Population health is quite complicated and has no easy, all-inclusive definition (Noble, …show more content…
Sidorov and Romney (2016) write that there needs to be key components included in population health to guarantee an effective program. Identifying populations to be served and providing accessible data warehouses from which information can be stored and accessed assures quality and consistency. Patient-centered care, identification of primary care providers (also known as medical home), and an interdisciplinary health care team are also integral components to the success of population health (Sidorov & Romney, …show more content…
(2016) write that the most important components of population health are to provide quality health care at an affordable price. Accomplishing this goal can only be achieved if policies are set at the state and national level. Population health provides interventions at the state and national level, thus supporting healthcare needs. To date, one of the most inclusive federal programs that have been developed is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 (Fabius et al., 2016). One of the ACA’s primary goals is to make healthcare affordable to the majority of Americans by providing accessible health care insurance. Another goal of the ACA is to provide a culture of health and wellness that ensures quality care by increasing accountability for healthcare delivery and services (Fabius et al., 2016). Population health also supports state strategies to improve health as evidenced by the application of strategies aimed at prevention. This can be seen in the state of Vermont. Vermont has enacted population health legislation that focuses on improving health through prevention (Blueprint for Health). In fact, early data has shown that hospitalization and expenditure rates have decreased following implementation of said legislation (Fabius et al., 2016). Staying healthy should be a basic human right. State and national legislation help make that possible and it is up to both individuals and society to ensure those rights. Our bodies are a