In quantitative research, a study may test a proposition from a model or theory, which is a very useful way to build nursing knowledge. In qualitative research, the framework may be…
Nursing in West Texas A&M university. Helen Keller once stated,” The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Nursing is a way to give back to people in the time of need. West Texas A&M university, home of the buffs, ranked 72nd in Texas public universities , will prepare for my future in nursing.…
Retrieved March 14, 2017, from g Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2014). Essentials of Nursing Research: Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolkers Kluwers Health: Lippincott.…
Nursing research does have a purpose by refining and formulating theories as well as enhancing and strengthening our base of knowledge. Nursing’s present and future strength in shaping health care and policy will rest on providing clear and convincing research that demonstrates our vital role in delivering meaningful and cost-effective health care to all (Mason, Gardner, Outlaw & O’Grady, 2016). CINAHL and Other Data…
All quotes are from: Langford, R., & Young, A. (2013). Making a difference with nursing research. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. o Journal # 1-The Effect of Cognitive Simulation on Nursing Home Elders: A Randomized Controlled Trial o Article #1 based on the title is Quantitative supported by the following quotes: “Investigators use a quantitative research to study a narrow and specific problem” (p. 57). The title suggests the article is exploring a study on the elderly, nursing home population and on cognitive stimulation.…
Evidence-based practice (EBP) has changed nursing significantly. EBP contributes to safe, quality nursing standards. Utilizing the most up to date research in the nursing field can assist in enhancing the care environment and nursing practices. In this portion of my educational training, I learn how to assess the validity of research studies.…
The purpose of this paper is defines scholarship and its application to nursing. The Oxford English Dictionary defines scholarship as academic study or achievement; learning of a high level. The Oxford dictionary also defined scholarship as a grant or payment made to support a student’s education, awarded on the basis of academic or other achievement. True scholarship is reflected in both the breadth and depth of knowledge an individual has in a particular subject area.…
It is combined with clinical judgments and patient’ preferences to obtain an outcome which is the best quality cost -effectiveness of patient care. It is not only important for nurses to know the right thing to do but also to know why it is the right thing to do. For example some nurses know that a particular method must be implemented but ignore the scientific reasoning behind it, which means they don’t know what research support the method. Some nurses implement evidence based practice method without questioning the reason why are they putting it into practice. For nurses to get committed to evidence based practice they must know strategies to search for many relevant information from publications currently available.…
McCrae Article Reaction Paper The struggle for nurses to gain recognition for a well-developed theoretical framework in their practice has until this day been a difficult challenge. The article by McCrae (2012) stated many different factors that explain why or how the models of nursing fail to bridge the gap between theory and practice. This essay will describe some of those challenges.…
Nursing has undergone a huge evolution as nursing research has become more robust, according to Polit and Beck (2012), and as a result there is the expectation that nurses are practicing based on current evidence. This means that nurses, in all practice areas, must be able to understand research and adopt evidence-based practice from the data and results available to them. Being able to dissect the components best practice from research will allow an organization to create a culture that promotes safety and cost effectiveness, supporting the quest for best clinical outcomes and a reputation that will promote that organization as a center of excellence. Organizational Culture and Readiness Melynk and Fineout-Overholt (2011) propose that support…
It is clear from the findings of the CCQ and the Francis report that there is a dissonance between professional nursing theory and what actually happens in nursing practice. In order to bridge this gap, it is essential for nurses to understand how to research effectively with the purpose of discovering best evidence which can be applied to nursing practice (Schmidt and Brown, 2012). By using up to date and expert evidence generated from effective research, all healthcare professionals can make good clinical decisions about individual patient care (Greenhalgh, 2010). To develop an understanding and appreciation of the value of research I performed on line module activities which provided me with learning opportunities to develop reflective,…
The nursing research article that I chose to critic for this assignment is entitled "The nurse work environment, job satisfaction and turnover rates in rural and urban nursing units" written by Marianne Baernholdt and Barbara A. Mark. The goal of this publication is to determine if there is a relationship between the nurse work environment and the level of satisfaction and the rate of nurses ' turnover. Urban hospitals have been the subject of research to examine this association but not rural hospitals, thus the subject of this research article. This article poses the problem of whether or not the environments in which nurses evolve and their job satisfaction level have an effect on turnover rates.…
Theory is central to effective nursing practice and research. Nursing theory offers a framework for thought in which nurses examine situations. This framework supplies structure and organization to nursing knowledge and provides a methodical means of collecting data to interpret, explain, and predict nursing practice (McEwen & Willis, 2014, p. 36). Nursing theory is crucial for the evolution of the nursing discipline. The knowledge that is developed through nursing research is used to test existing theories and to generate new theories and ideas.…
Research is a rigorous and systematic method of enquiry, which intends to define phenomena and expands new theories concepts (Polit and Beck, 2011). Moreover research process includes activities which consist of steps such as data collection, analysis, research question and conclusion (Maltby et al. 2010). Fundamentally in relation to nursing practice research process contributes to a systematic way of producing evidence to encourage good practice. Therefore, to use the research process to go through problems or to deal with questions is an expectation from nurses (Moule and Goodman, 2013).…
Developing a nursing philosophy is important to a nurse as it serves as a guide and is the foundation for personal nursing practice. Following a personal nursing philosophy can enhance your nursing career, make you a better nurse and improve patient outcomes. However, it is difficult to choose one nursing theorist, as there are viewpoints from several theorists that align with my personal theories. Choosing one theory is not only difficult, it is possible to change a theory during your nursing career or draw from various theories while working with patients and their families depending on the situation.…