One should generate special interest in extracurriculars, for example, coaching, action learning, mentoring, and appreciating three hundred and sixty-degree feedback, is an essential component in successful leadership (What Style of Police Leadership is Most Effective? 2018). Police leadership has seen a consistent change from the traditional, militaristic, authoritative approach to a more inclusive transformational perspective. The authoritative approach to police leadership was explicitly rule-based with a predisposition for order. This leader applies full control over the staff and they are expected to follow without feedback or contributions. Next is the transactional method which somewhat like authoritative, however it utilizes rewards to motivate the subordinates. This method weighs heavily on the subordinates performance and rewards or punishments are delegated according to adherence to the regulations. This theory is based on the fact that individual officers will respond to the rules and vision of the company easier when there is a fear of repercussions for poor production versus positive …show more content…
The manager of this method operates with the subordinates with a commitment to share the vision and goal of the organization, while at the same time encouraging innovation and creativity(Allen & Sawhney, 2015). Attitudes such authoritative and transactional are slowly losing the attraction, and the more members in positions of leadership are progressing to transformational. There will always be a place for these different types of leadership because no two scenarios are the same. A good leader must remember that there is an appropriate time to utilize all three, but the leader must be able to recognize when to use the right one(Allen & Sawhney, 2015). There is no perfect time to use a particular approach to leadership there will be time for behavioral, traits, situational, and contingency approaches. The right style leadership is dependant upon the combination situation, the type of followers, and the leader's specific strengths. As leader flexibility is crucial and it can be developed through the necessary education, practice, and