Plot Summary And Symbolism Of Birds In The Film

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The birds opening scene begins with birds of black flying across the screen before we are cut to our main heroine walking in San Francisco union square into a pet shop. The birds circling the square let the viewer notice that something is not quite right. The black birds symbolize the mysteries and unknown until they are shown to us. Melanie is also wearing a black ensemble when we first see her. She is very well dressed and walks with such confidence but we can see she not only gives off the feeling of being secretive. When Melanie enters the pet store, which is intensely populated by many types of birds, the camera keeps on taking after Melanie as the focal concentration as she touches base at the assistant's counter. The abnormal development …show more content…
The typical American family in the 1960’s consisted of the mother and father along with two to four kids. Around this time the middle class lifestyle was becoming quite common and that was the only fully established norm that adhered to the Brenner family. The Brenner’s lived in a fishing village fifty miles north of San Francisco in Bodega Bay. They are a family of three which consisted of Mitch (Rod Taylor) who is a lawyer, his younger sister Cathy (Veronica Cartwright) and his needy mother Lydia (Jessica Tandy). Although, Lydia is a widow she took the reigns as head of the house and farmstead. She does show strength by being able to take care of the farm but also leans on her son for support being as he is the only man left in Lydia’s life.
The use of different color in the film the birds was a major feature to the scenery. For instance, when Melanie decide to drive to Bodega bay too give Mitch sister Cathy the love birds. The scene is captured the hues of blue and green creating a peaceful view. However when the birds attack the Brenner’s family and Melanie in the farm house is when the dark colors come to play. It brings a dark and suspenseful since the only time we deal with dark color is when we see the birds

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