Throughout the years, the government has continually placed bans and limitations on birth control and abortions with Planned Parenthood taking these issues to court to combat the limitations. When the monumental court case, Roe versus Wade (1973), which legalized abortion, Planned Parenthood started providing abortion services along with birth control services and STI testing and treatment (Roe 1 & Planned 1). Morally, many people felt abortion was wrong and were against the Roe versus Wade ruling. The protesting individuals caused a national uproar which sprung many lawmakers into action as they listened to their constituents. Four years after Roe v. Wade was implemented, the Supreme Court upheld a Connecticut law that prohibited Medicaid funding of abortions unless a physician certified the abortion as "medically necessary.” Due to the ruling from the Supreme Court, Congress enacted the Hyde Amendment, banning federal resources from supporting abortions (Stephens). The Hyde amendment did not completely remove federal aid for abortions but at the time, it significantly limited it. Even though Roe v. Wade has been in effect for over 40 years, lawmakers continue their efforts to defund Planned …show more content…
Government health service grants and reimbursements account for 43% of Planned Parenthood’s annual revenue. Without this governmental support, Planned Parenthood would not be able to provide the support it does. Most of the federal aid is not utilizing in providing abortions. Abortions account for less than 3% of Planned Parenthood’s services (Annual 23). Continual education of the detractors to Planned Parenthood would demonstrate that the agency provides more than just abortion and defunding it would harm the broader health services. Many of the services Planned Parenthood provides are necessary for increased public health. Through identification and treatment, Planned Parenthood limits the spread of STIs as well as through regular screenings, they help to diagnose cancer earlier. According to the Annual Report, Planned Parenthood provided over four million STI testing and treatment services. Without Planned Parenthood, STI testing and treatment would not be as easily accessible and STI rates could increase. With all these benefits, the main detriment to the full funding of Planned Parenthood is the perception that an individual’s tax money is utilized for a procedure believed to be morally wrong. Defunding Planned Parenthood will ensure that their tax money is not supporting something they do not believe in but the long term