As they worked the metal object out of his are it was wedged through his arm they said that he was really lucky he didn't die. Once the surgery was over he woke up. When he looked up and was suprised to see Earl from the trailer park. Earl said "I'm here to pick you up!" Benny said but I don't even know you and the hospital said he will be fine to go with him as low no as he go's right inside so he can rest. When he go into a wheelchair Benny got pushed outside it was hot and very humid as he got into Earls old blue rusty pickup truck Earl said "sorry no air conditioning" so I will open the window while you relax on the 55 minute drive back to Sunnyvale. "You want some tunes uh Benny?" No thankes said Benny I'll just rest. "Can I ask you somethin?" Asked Earl "um sure" replied Benny. Where were you commin from? Benny replied I was coming from Michigan and I came here when I saved enough money for a cheap plane ticket. Why did you run away from home wondered Earl no said Benny my parents were killed in a boat accident from this car ferry called the badger. "Oh I'm so sorry" Earl said in a depressed voice. When they pulled into the park the trailers were lined up in a straight line and we pulled in Earls drive way he got my wheel chair and brought me inside it was a little small and it had a
As they worked the metal object out of his are it was wedged through his arm they said that he was really lucky he didn't die. Once the surgery was over he woke up. When he looked up and was suprised to see Earl from the trailer park. Earl said "I'm here to pick you up!" Benny said but I don't even know you and the hospital said he will be fine to go with him as low no as he go's right inside so he can rest. When he go into a wheelchair Benny got pushed outside it was hot and very humid as he got into Earls old blue rusty pickup truck Earl said "sorry no air conditioning" so I will open the window while you relax on the 55 minute drive back to Sunnyvale. "You want some tunes uh Benny?" No thankes said Benny I'll just rest. "Can I ask you somethin?" Asked Earl "um sure" replied Benny. Where were you commin from? Benny replied I was coming from Michigan and I came here when I saved enough money for a cheap plane ticket. Why did you run away from home wondered Earl no said Benny my parents were killed in a boat accident from this car ferry called the badger. "Oh I'm so sorry" Earl said in a depressed voice. When they pulled into the park the trailers were lined up in a straight line and we pulled in Earls drive way he got my wheel chair and brought me inside it was a little small and it had a