Pipeline welders work to join and repair tubular products and metallic pipe components. This is done for the construction of buildings, structures, and stand-alone pipelines. Pipes are usually set up in fixed positions which make welding them very difficult. Pipeline welders must be very skilled and well-trained to get the job done. Things like staying warm during the winter and preparing your next meal would not be possible without pipeline welders. They use their skills to build, repair, and to maintain everything. (Pipeline Welder, 1) Pipeline welders are the most skilled of all welders.
Pipeline welding is a career choice that requires the answering of many questions prior to pursuing it. Avenues must be examined …show more content…
Technology is constantly changing, so welders will not always know everything. One might not have the right tools for a product that he is working on if it is newer or extremely old. A new tool or technique might be required when working on something new. This means that pipeline welders will always be researching about the new technologies. This is good for one who likes to learn new things daily.
Pipeline welders often work long hours, independently. A person will need to learn to be confident in his work. The job needs to be done the right way as well. The fault will be directed towards the one person since he is working by himself. Supervision is not something that happens in the welding field. Bosses do not sit over their employees and make sure everything is going the way it should. It is projected to be a fifteen percent job outlook from 2010 to 2020. This is about the same as any occupation. Specialists will be needed to work on maintaining existing pipelines. For pipeline welders who like the travel, prospects would be the best way to go. Pipeline welders have been and will always be in demand. People could not go on with their daily lives without the work of a pipeline