During each class I tried to perfect the technique and perform exercises to the best of my abilities. I learned that yoga and Pilates have a lot in common, especially when it comes to being mindful and relaxation techniques. They both promote non-judgmental environment, where you can focus only on your own practice and not feel like you are competing against others. Hatha Yoga and Pilates also have a variety of similar exercises. However, there are also differences I was able to determine between two practices throughout the semester. Yoga focuses on stretching, mental and emotional state, being present at all times, whilst Pilates works on muscle development, strengthening, and flexibility. …show more content…
One of the exercises I found challenging in Pilates is push-ups. Growing up I never played any sports, as my parents had a constant fear I would get injured. Of course, I never broke any bones, but I also missed out on being in a team envorenment, competing, pushing myself to the far limits, and strengthening and conditioning my body. Although, I understand it is never to late to start exercising and doing sports, my upper body and core strength is something I need to work on long and