There were many reasons Ronald Cotton was wrongfully convicted and the first reason had to do with his race. Jennifer explained, "A white woman raped in her home in the middle of the night by a black man who had the audacity to outrun the police and the dogs, and then go on to rape another white woman in her home didn’t sit very well with the …show more content…
During jury selection there were four potential African American jurors and all four were dismissed. The defense tried to file a motion for a mistrial because all of the jurors were white. The judge denied the motion of a mistrial and allowed an all white jury. Allowing an all white jury was denying Ronald's right of a fair and impartial jury. An African American male who is being accused of raping two white women was faced with an all white jury. Before the trial even started the jury had already had their mind made up, Ronald was guilty. Ronald's race is one the biggest factors leading to his wrongful conviction.
Another big reason that lead to Ronald's wrongful conviction was Jennifer's determination to find justice of her rape. Jennifer stated, " I assumed they had a suspect. Why would they want me