Some of these physical consequences can lead to life-threatening manners. For example, sexually transmitted diseases cannot be cured and if not treated it is possible to die from it, rectal trauma if not treated can also lead to death, cardiovascular and respiratory problems can also lead to death if the victim doesn’t go to a doctor as soon as possible. Usually sexually transmitted diseases are spread by the johns because many of the them do not like to wear condoms which makes diseases spread faster and more easily. If a prostitute has one of these diseases she can no longer work so she will either be killed or set free. The Avert Foundation states that the worst type of physical consequence is HIV/AIDS. HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. If not treated for about 10-15 years, it will develop to AIDS. HIV is found in semen, blood, vaginal and anal fluids, and breast milk. AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. It is referred to as an advanced HIV infection or a late-stage HIV. The virus, HIV, attacks the immune system gradually. It destroys the T-helper cell, a white blood cell, which makes copies of itself inside them. As HIV grows, it soon turns into the syndrome AIDS. This is …show more content…
This includes sleeping & eating disorders, drug addiction, fear & anxiety, depression, mood changes, guilt & shame, and posttraumatic stress disorder. The article written by Kaylor, Leah, Psychological Impact on Human Trafficking and Sex Slavery: Empowerment and Intervention, states that the worst type of mental consequence is posttraumatic stress disorder. Posttraumatic stress disorder is a mental health condition triggered by a traumatic event. The symptoms usually start right after the event, but may also occur several months or years later. They may also come and go over the years. Some of the symptoms that are given by the National Center of PTSD include reliving the event, avoiding situations that remind you of the event, negative changes in beliefs and feelings, and also feeling keyed up (aka hyperarousal). Reliving the event includes bad memories or nightmares and feelings as if you’re reliving the event. People that have escaped trafficking tend to avoid situations or people that trigger memories, they may also not speak about the event. Some of them tend to feel fear, guilt, or shame from having been involved in human trafficking. Some also feel hyperarousal which is when they get jittery and are always on alert and on the lookout for danger, they may also be having trouble with concentrating or falling asleep. Mental abuse can have these consequences that affect a