Philip of Macedon is from an area of Greece called Macedonia (Dutton 75). Macedonia is a part of greater Greece and it was a rough area with a lot of conflict. As a young man in Thebes, he learned military tactics (Dutton 75). By 24, he began by removing the threats posed to him. Once he became king, he had one set goal, and that was to unite Greece under his power. While he was working on his goal, Athenians began to be shocked by his competitiveness. A very powerful spokesman of Athens began to talk down on Philip (Dutton 75). He would express that Philip …show more content…
When Philip died, Alexander already had experience in being a soldier (Dutton 82). Greece spent a lot of time celebrating the death of Philip, and for a while they believed that the problems of Macedonians would be over (Dutton 82). In the midst of their celebration they did not notice Alexander. In ignoring Alexander, they began to repeat the same mistake when they ignored Philip. Eventually Alexander revealed that he would live out his father’s legacy and invade Persia. As an initiation, he led a group of men to Danube, where the Tribali were, in an attempt to avenge an attack made to his father (Dutton 83). Then, he went to Persia to avenge assaults on Greece during Persian Wars. After this he conquered Egypt, Asia, and the Indus. He later settled in Arabia, where he virtually drank himself to death (Dutton